Filters & Search

Use filters to find a group of users who share the same characteristics. There are two types of filters, one with radio buttons to search by user register status, and the other are the pick lists where you can add additional criteria to your search. 

The following steps explain the options available.

1. Use the radio buttons on the left side to filter the users who are active, disabled, or whose registration is in progress.


2. In this section, you can also filter a user by Creation Date, Companies, Applications, and/or Credentials.



3. With the pick lists, you can do a more detailed search by combining them. For example, select a specific date of account creation, the company in which that user is registered, what application it has, and lastly, what credential it has. Remember that you always have the clear button to remove what has already been selected and to clear the search results.

You can also use the search tool to search for users by their email or name.


4. Use the search field (the magnifier icon) to find a specific user by name or email.