Enable/Disable Contact Users

If you want to disable any contact user, follow these steps.

1. Contact users are distinguished by having the following icon in their user record. Press the icon on the user you want to disable or enable as user contact.

2. Then, some options will be displayed. Select the “Contact User” option.

3. A pop-up window will appear. In it, select the “Deactivate contact user” option and then press the “ACCEPT” button.

  • Click Enable Contact user to activate the user contact.

4. The user will be updated in the provider’s user list. You will see that now the user does not have the icon that distinguishes him as a contact user.

  • Consider: If the user had permissions granted by the client when performing this action, the user loses all permissions.

5. Another way to activate or deactivate a contact user is by checking the box on the left side of the contact user. Then click the button. .

6. A pop-up window will immediately appear. Here, select the “Enable Contact User” option if the Contact User is Deactivated.

  • Click “Disable Contact user” to disable the contact user.

7. The user will appear updated in the provider’s user list