Assign SuperDelegate Credentials to Users

There are 3 ways to add users to a credential:


1. Add users when Creating a credential.

When creating a credential, you can select the users who will be subscribed to it. To do this, go to step number 6 in Create  a SuperDelegates Credential.


2. Add users from the “Credentials” section.

a) Go to the “Credentials” section and identify the “Super Delegates credential” (in this example SuperDelegatesAXM).

b) Click on the “View users” icon.

c) Click on “Add users to credential”.

d) Search and select the users to subscribe and then click on “Add users to the credential”.

e) Click on “Accept”

f) The user will be subscribed to the “SuperDelegadosAXM” credential.

3. Add users from the “Users” section.

a) Go to the “Users” section.

b) Search for the user you need to add to the credential.

c) Click on the “Detail” icon in the user’s record.

d) Find the Super Delegate credential and click “SAVE”.

e) You will be able to identify the newly added credential in the user details section.