Filters & Search

There are two types of filters: one from the “Filters” option with default statuses to search for user records, and the other from the search bar. The following steps explain the available options.

1.Access ACS Management.

2.  Select the “Users and Permissions” option.

3. Use the default options on the left side to filter users who are active, disabled, or whose registration is in process.

4. The filters that can be applied for searching will be displayed. Select your preferred status by clicking on it.

5. The search results will be displayed.

6. To clear the search results, click on the “x” next to the selected filter.

7. From the search bar, you can find a specific user by name or email address.

8. Enter the user’s name or email address.

9. Click on the search icon.

10. The search results will be displayed.