Create an App

Customers with iVerifier V4.0 – Monitor can use the “Web Services” feature. The following steps outline how the account administrator can create, edit, view, and delete web services applications. Currently, “web services” are only available for iVerifier V4.0, but they will be applicable to other applications in the near future.

To start creating an application:

1.Access ACS Management.

2. Select “Web Services.”

3. Click on “NEW APP.”

4. Enter the name of the application.

5. Click on the “Select Application” dropdown button to choose your desired application.

6. The “Scopes” section will display and verify the service applicable to the new application.

Note: “Scopes” vary depending on the selected application.

7. You may fill in the “Description” field; however, this is optional. Once you have completed the configuration, click the “Create” button.

8. A message will appear in the bottom-left corner: “Application created successfully.”

9. A window will appear with the created credentials. Click on the “Start Creating” button to close the window.

10. You can now view the new application.