Automatic Expense Report Assistant switch

Follow the instructions shown below to set a report in a given schedule.

1. In the main menu of the AxosMoney application, access the “Settings” page. A switch called “Automatic Expense Report Assistant” will appear. Click on it.

2. When clicking the switch, a window will unfold. In this window, you can configure the frequency to build a report.

3. Click the “Frequency” dropdown button to display the options to program the periodicity of reports to create (daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly), and select one from the list.

4. The following parameter to configure will be the start date. By clicking on this field, a calendar will be displayed. Select the day to start the Report Assistant by clicking on the desired day.

5. To select the hour the Report Assistant will run, click on the time field and set it as required. Be aware that an automatic report cannot be programmed in the past.

6. Click SAVE to keep your preferences.

7. Now, the “Automatic Report Assistant” switch will appear ON and show the execution date of the next event below it. In addition, the “Edit” button will also appear automatically.

8. If you want to modify the settings that you had previously placed, click the “Edit” button.

9. Make the desired changes and click the “Save” button.

10. You can consult the reports automatically created by going into the “Reports” menu. For example, in the column “Report,” you will see a report with the name “Report assistant mm-dd-yyyy.”

11. When you open it, this report contains the expenses and receipts in your account by the moment of executing the Report Assistant.