Main page filters
Field | Description |
“From Expedition Date” & “To Expedition Date” | Ranges by date of the expedition: Generate a report from ranges of date of issue using these fields. Select the desired range (date or date/time) by clicking on the icons within the field combo “From Expedition Date,” and automatically Reporting will autocomplete the “To Expedition Date” field with the same date entered in “From Expedition Date,” edit this last field if necessary. |
“From Validation Date” & “To Validation Date” | Ranges by date of the validation: You can generate a report from validation dates using these fields. The “To Validation Date” field will also autocomplete as described before. |
More Filters option
Field | Description |
“Source” | Filter expense by type: “Travel” y “Supplier.” |
“Company Tax ID” | Allows filtering of one or more registered RFCs. |
“Concur Report ID” | The report number of Concur (Report ID) may also be one of the search parameters. Enter the information in the corresponding box. Note: This field allows filtering without the need to enter other filters. |
“Receipt Type” | You can filter your report based on the types of the receipt (Income type Invoice, Expense Type Invoice, Payment Complement). |
“Supplier Tax ID” | Reporting allows filtering by Supplier Tax ID. |
“Document Serial Number” | Enter the Serial number to refine the search. |
“Status” | You can filter your report based on the ADIV validator status and select any desired filtering status (Valid, Invalid, Warning). |
“Fiscal Unique Identifier (UUID)” | Filter by UUID tax folio. This filter does not need to enter date ranges. Also, it’s not necessary to enter hyphens since reporting is auto-completed. |
“Document Folio Number” | Filter by document number |