Reset Password

If you lost your password, you can create a new one by following the steps in this section.

1. Enter your email and click || Next || to continue.

2. On the next screen, click the link Forgot password?

3. Write your email and click || Next || to continue.

4. On the next screen, check the option “Send an email confirmation code to” and then click || Next || to continue.

5. You will receive a notification with a verification code. Enter the verification code and the new password, then click || Confirm ||.


Message Cause Solution
The email address does not have the required format or contains invalid characters. Please enter it again. The captured email does not have the correct format, or the email is not registered in the system. Correctly capture the email registered for the user.
The password does not satisfy all the requirements (a table is shown). The password does not meet all the criteria of a new password. Fulfill all the requirements.