Business Fiscal Information

In this section, consult the fiscal information of the company assigned to your user with its corresponding QR code and access means to share this information, such as email.

Consult the fiscal Information with QR of a company

This section explains how to change to a different company to consult the fiscal information.

1. Enter the “Settings” screen and pulse on the Business Fiscal Information tab.

2. Tap on the title of the company at the top of the screen to display the list of companies.

3. From the list, select the company whose fiscal information you want to review, in this case, “COMPANY #2”.

4. The fiscal information on the Business Fiscal Information will change, now it will be the information belonging to COMPANY #2.

5. If you return to the Settings section, the company information will be displayed alongside the corresponding QR code.

Send Fiscal Information with QR

1. On the Business Fiscal Information screen, tap the share button.

2. A menu with different app options will appear, select the app of your liking. For example Gmail.

3. A mail window will appear, type the receiver’s email address and tap on the icon.

4. The receiver can open the email that he received and check the image attached to the mail.

Send fiscal information and photo taken from camera

1. In the Business Fiscal Information screen, tap the camera icon.

2. An option list will appear, tap the TAKE PHOTO option.

3. The camera from your mobile device will activate, take the receipt’s picture and tap the check mark when you are satisfied with the photo.

4. A menu with different app options will appear, select the app of your liking. For example Gmail.

5. An email window will appear, type the receiver’s email address and tap the arrow icon.

6. A sending message will appear informing you that the email is being sent.

7. The receiver can check his inbox and open the email to verify it’s the same picture sent.

Send Fiscal Information and a photo from gallery

1. In the Business Fiscal Information screen, tap the camera icon.

2. An option list will appear, tap the SEARCH RECEIPT option.

3. You will be redirected to the camera roll, choose the receipt photo you want to send.

4. A menu with different app options will appear, select the app of your liking. For example Gmail.

5. An email window will appear, type the receiver’s email address and tap on the arrow icon.

6. A sending message will appear informing you that the email is being sent.

7. The receiver can check his inbox and open the email to verify it’s the same picture sent.