Within ACP 3 there is a module to consult and view purchase orders. As well as their detailed consultation and processing.
Within this module, the purchase orders will appear for consultation, evaluation and processing. Additionally, throughout a supply operation, different types of documents are generated in the process. Documents related to Purchase Orders can be Invoices, Credit Notes, Payments or Advances, Payment Complements, etc.
What is the Document Flow?
The Document Flow is a graphic (and tabular) representation of these documents, to achieve a better understanding of each transaction.
To view the Document Flow List (tab) in ACP 3 you can follow the steps below:
1. Enter ACS Management and select ACP 3
2. Within ACP 3 select the Purchases option in the left side menu, you can click on the icon or move the cursor over it to display the options.
3. A screen will appear with a list of purchase orders, to view the Document Flow List click on the icon marked in the image.
4. On this screen you can see the document flow in the form of a list. The documents that appear here are the following (in this order):
- Purchase Order
- Invoice
- Prepayment
- Payment
- Payment Complement
Download XML, PDF and EXCEL
The list option will allow you to download the documents in XML, PDF and EXCEL format.
Change View to Diagram Type
On the same screen it is possible to change to the Diagram view by clicking on the icon shown in the image.
Using Filters and Columns
In the Purchase Orders section we will have the option to search using filters or hide/show the necessary columns.
Using the Columns option, use the column selector to adjust as required.