Communications Configuration

What is a Communication?

A COMMUNICATION is a message that transmits important information, such as news, policy changes or relevant updates, addressed to ALL of the Client’s Suppliers.

In this section you can create communications addressed to all of the Client’s Suppliers. To do this, you must click on the ADD button. Here you can add a title, a description of your communication, the dates on which this communication will be active, read confirmations and the means by which the communication will be sent to you.


How to Add a Communication?

To add a Communication, you can follow these steps:

1. Enter ACS Management and select the ACP option.

2. In the left side menu, select the Communication subsection in the Configuration section.

3. When you enter, select the Communications tab.

4. To add a new communication, click on ADD.

5. A pop-up screen will appear in which you can fill in the necessary data for the communication. When you finish, click ADD.

6. A message will appear to confirm that the Announcement has been successfully added, you will be able to see the announcement in the list.

How to Change Announcement Status?

To change the status of an announcement click on the switch shown in the image, this will change the status from active to inactive.

How to Delete an Announcement?

To delete an announcement, just click on the icon marked in the image, a message will appear to confirm if we want to delete the announcement, when you accept the announcement will be deleted.

Using Filters and Columns

In the Announcements section we will have the option to search using filters or hide/show the necessary columns.

Using the Columns option, use the column selector to adjust as required.