What is Dashboard Cards?

“Cards on Dashboard” is a section that is part of the “Configuration” Module, “Configuration” Submodule. It allows the Client’s Axosnet Cloud Portal (ACP) Administrators to configure the number of graphs/statistics to be displayed on the Dashboard.

For more information about this section, you can consult the “Dashboard Cards” manual, which includes the following topics:

  • Configuring Cards on Dashboard 

If you are outside the Axosnet Cloud Solutions (ACS) portal or in another section of the Axosnet Cloud Portal (ACP) and want to go to “Dashboard Cards” follow the steps below:

  1. Access Axosnet Cloud Solutions (ACS).
  2. Enter the Axosnet Cloud Portal (ACP) application.
  3. Select the “Setting” module from the left side menu.
  4. Select the “Settings” submodule.
  5. Display the “Cards on Dashboard” section.